We had part 1 of our online auction on facebook at the end of August and part 2 is currently underway and runs until October 7th. We raised a whopping $4,125 in part 1 - that will buy a lot of hay! A super big thanks to Mary Ellen for running the auction - in addition to managing it online Mary Ellen also coordinates receiving and sending out all the items. That's a lot of work and we really appreciate it!
Thank you to everyone who donated items for the auctions, we couldn't do it without you.
We have had quite a lot of movement of horses, both coming and going. Tri's adoption fell through but she was subsequently adopted by another lovely lady and ardent supporter, and Ravii, Tulsa, Buttercup, Bella#2, Marnie and Mosaic were also adopted out. Tawny and Romeo were adopted by their respective foster homes. Twix is still out on foster but is available for adoption. Cola, Rene and Missy#2 have gone out on foster. We have 3 recent intakes that include a donkey and 2 very cute mini-mules! The donkey is very sweet but the mules are VERY fearful. They'll need a lot of work before they are able to be adopted out I'm afraid, unless there is someone out there with special mule skills who'd like to volunteer some time working with them. That's a blatant hint for volunteer help! We took in 5 rabbits from Calgary Humane Society and just yesterday we took in a filly from Precious Pets Animal Rescue that was surrendered to them because she has a huge sarcoid on her eyelid. Thank you to both these organizations and to Alberta Equine Transport for hauling this filly to us. Our vet was here yesterday doing geldings (Magnus and one of the mini-mules) and took a look at her eye, we think we can remove the sarcoid fairly easily so we'll have that done next week. We thought the donkey needed to be gelded but it turns out what we thought were testicles was just fat - he really needs to diet! With regard to Magnus, thank you Becki of Bold Equine for coming out and working with him so we could get him gelded. We took in 2 lovely appaloosa yearling geldings from the latest Innisfail auction. Thank you Mary Ellen for attending on our behalf and saving these two.
Thank you toAARCS (Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society) for coming out and volunteering on a team-building day. We certainly appreciate the work you did. Thanks go out to everyone who helped us find reasonably priced hay and all those who volunteered picking it up in the field and unloading and stacking. It was a lot of hay to move by hand! We got about 250 square bales from the Red Deer area and 700 square bales from Black Diamond. Thank you Judy for donating 110 square bales today and on top of that hauling it all the way out here for us! Thank you once again to Spruce Meadows and especially Laura Day for the donation of more lovely feed and another 700 lbs of carrots!
Thank you Karyn of Penny Lane Farm Sanctuary for including Joe's story in your article for One Green Planet about horses saved from slaughter. Here is the link to the article if you'd like to read it - http://www.onegreenplanet.org/animalsandnature/horses-that-were-saved-from-slaughter-thanks-to-kind-people/
Mike has started hauling home the round bales, We have about 36 in our yard and another about 625 that he's putting in the bale yard. We'll have 100 smaller rounds coming after that. Another thank you that I can't say enough is to everyone who has helped us raise the money to pay for this year's hay. From donating cash or items we can sell, to finding alternate sources of funding, to fostering and sponsoring, we've been able to cover the huge increase in our hay costs this year. Our hay suppliers are allowing us to pay for our hay over time as well, which allows us to keep cash available for the other expenses such as vet, farrier, and feed.